Stratum Corneum


Saturday, May 23, 2009
Labret no. 2

It took quite awhile to get the needle through my lips this time.
Couldn't get over the phobia I had,left from my medusa which hurt big time fuck.
But,guess I did.
Piercings don't mean anything to me.
Not something to be proud of.
'Cause it's not exactly an achievement.
But it brings a sense of relief.
A rush of satisfaction.

Pain over Satisfactory.
I'll go with the second.
11:02 PM
Makeover spree.

I need some adjustments in my life.
It'll most probably work out with the help from my heartbeat.

Maybe I'll just make myself useful for once.
Not having to follow what others order me to do.
It's kinda hard to explain.
It's a mind thing.

Is this all just what i'm living for?

I need you,baby.

10:33 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Worst turn-off : time .

I feel so relieved that everything's over now.
Piles of notes,thousands of words,heavy insomnia and overwhelming stress.
Whoo,finally my break time.
I wanna do so much and I missed out so much in fact.

I love this photo so much as a matter of a fact that I look really fugly.
Maybe that's why I love it.

I missed Have Heart and was rather down.
Didnt go due to a few reasons.
But gonna have a whole lotsa fun at Burger Kill this weekend and Corefest the next.

I miss you so much and i had the sweetest night yesterday listening to you blabber over the phone.
Can't possibly wait till I get my ass to that beach scene with clear crystal blue waters and soft , warm grains of sands under my feet,palm to palm with you,walking along the beach line.


2:14 AM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A week without ample sleep's really ripping me apart.
For the past week i only got say 15 hours of sleep.
And that makes it 2 hours of rest everyday.

Gonna be out for awhile.
Need some alone time , havent had that for a long time.
10:16 PM
Dont play with your words.

Wrap me around with your masculine arms and swirl your fingers on my skin.

Being able to make me smile ear to ear all the time and with your silly actions.

And seeing your priceless smile at every surprise I gave you.

8:30 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Puppets and figurines .

Mother's Day (YY)
Happy Mother's Day to each and every mommy out there.
For all your efforts and hardships nuturing us and bringing us up,being there for us whenever we need someone,showering us with unlimited love and care.

I'm sorry for letting you down every single time.
My actions,my studies and most of all my attitude.
We've been through so much and I know you've gone through so much and took all of it in.
I'll stand by you just like you did and i thank you for not giving up on this outrageous daughter you have.
I'll do well in everything and I'll return you your years of suffering.
You know I'll love you always , mom .
12:48 AM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Insomnia's killing me inside out.

Oh-em-gee. I am here at 4am in the morning and look at my horrendeous pair of eyes.
I'm about to die.
Why cant I sleep?
Why cant I rest my thoughts and relax?
Why cant I even have peace on the Messenger?

Web-cam day.

Update more on this tomorrow bye.

Had a great time with the web camera and my lovely people.

Yana-noneh baby. Your smile never fails to make me feel so contented <3

Best friend's stupidity always bring me bursting into laughter,his nose bleed due to over-excessive digging and therefore the piece of tissue.
But yet,I honour him 'cause he's not even embarrassed to take a photo.

Just look at his grumpy face and his awful hair-do.
My little cousin was at the back,commenting on how bad he looked.

Making and adjusting the effect of my camera.
It's really fun you know :D

I felt great being able to see his jack-ed up face and listen to his usual random crap,he never bores me and he's always the most beautiful in my heart. (YY)

12:21 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Am I just a failure or simply some lazy-ass loser who keeps getting things messed up.
Am so disappointed with myself for not completing my SS paper on time today although I stayed up from 12am till morning to perfect the pieces of informations and tearing my arm muscles doing almost a 10-page essay.


12:47 AM
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